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What are the Most Prominent Orthopaedic Issues Associated with Prolonged Sitting and Desk Work?

Date :29-Jan-2024

The fast-paced technology-driven world and jam-packed work schedules have chained people to the desk. Of course, the 9 - 5 jobs may pay you well enough for all the hard work you pour in, but have you paused for a while and tapped into your well-being? After finishing your tasks in one stretch, you get up to feel your back and legs all frozen and numb. That’s because you haven’t stretched or walked around. In short, there has been no physical activity.

But, are you aware of the consequences of prolonged sitting on your orthopaedic health?

The Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for too long can harm our health without us realizing it. Our bodies are built for movement, but our modern lifestyles often encourage sitting. This affects our muscles, bones, and even our heart and metabolism. It's important to understand how sitting for a long time can harm us and what we can do to prevent it. Here are some of the main dangers of sitting too much.

Muscle Weakness

Atrophy or Muscle weakness is one of the conditions that arise after sitting for a longer duration because the body is not actively involved in any physical activity. This can be especially troublesome for older adults, increasing the chance of falls and injuries. Weak muscles also impact our ability to move easily and do daily activities. This lack of strength may lead to ongoing pain, making it harder to stay active.

Poor Posture

Sitting for a long duration can impact your spine, resulting in bad posture and chronic back pain. When we sit and work, we often slouch, which can strain the muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders. This can eventually lead to ongoing back pain and even a misaligned spine. Bad posture also makes it harder to keep our balance, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.

Cardiovascular Risks

That’s not it! Prolonged sitting can also bring cardiovascular risks. When we sit a lot, our body burns fewer calories, causing weight gain and higher cholesterol resulting in heart disease. Also, sitting for a long time makes the heart and blood vessels less efficient, allowing plaque to build up in the arteries (atherosclerosis). This buildup can lead to heart attacks or strokes. To keep a healthy heart, it's important to cut down on sitting time.

Reduced Blood Circulation

Prolonged Sitting slows down blood flow, causing fluid to build up in our legs and feet. This can lead to swelling, numbness, and discomfort. Less blood flow means our body gets less oxygen and nutrients, which can affect our overall health. Prolonged sitting is also linked to a higher risk of dangerous blood clots forming.

How to Combat the Prolonged Sitting Problems?

Perform Regular Exercises

Adding stretching exercises to your daily routine can ease muscle stiffness, enhance flexibility, and promote better blood circulation for overall health. Take brief breaks during the day to stretch with exercises like neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, toe touches, and side bends, even at your desk. A few minutes of stretching can have a meaningful impact.

Implement an Ergonomic Workspace

Create a comfortable workspace by using ergonomic furniture. Get a chair that supports your spine, position your computer screen at eye level to avoid neck strain, and keep items within easy reach. Consider using armrests, footrests, and wrist supports to prevent muscle and joint strain and promote a healthy posture.

Try Using a Sit-Stand Desk

Consider using a sit-stand desk, allowing you to switch between sitting and standing while working. This change can positively affect your musculoskeletal health by reducing spine strain and enhancing blood circulation. It might also help ease back pain and promote better posture. Check with your employer to see if this option is available for your workspace.

Perform Yoga

After sitting all day, doing yoga, with its gentle stretches and muscle-lengthening moves, is great for the whole body. The deep breathing in yoga also helps the mind feel more relaxed and at ease.

Take a Break

Busy schedules often put your health at risk as you remain latched to the desk and screen. But it’s important to take short breaks when sitting for a very long time, whether at a desk, in a car, or on the couch. Stand up, take a walk, and stretch your back muscles that get stiff from sitting. This will refresh and re-energize your body.

By understanding the risks and taking proactive measures for good health, we can break free from the chains of a poor lifestyle, and adopt a more active lifestyle. Let this be your guide to reclaiming your overall well-being and steering clear of the orthopaedic pitfalls of a sedentary existence.


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